Seu Jorge Covered David Bowie at Town Hall in NYC (Photos)


Seu Jorge shared a part of himself on stage at Town Hall on November 12th 2016 and he also honored a late music legend. The Brazilian artist was touring solo behind songs he performed for the Wes Anderson film The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and so the stage was set accordingly. And Jorge wore the pale blue colors, red cap and team Zissou patch reppin’ the film during his performance (some of his assistants wore t-shirts that said “unpaid intern”). But of course, Jorge’s songs in the film are all covers of David Bowie songs, in Portuguese, and they have a different poignancy when stripped down and sung in a foreign tongue (at least to me). Notably before “Life on Mars”, Jorge spoke about how Bowie’s passing on Jan 12th of this year was followed by the passing of his own father the next day. Part of his tribute is captured in a video I recorded (below).

Jorge’s show was presented by the World Music Institute (WMI) and (le) Poisson Rouge and they are doing it again December 11th at Town Hall. Tix may still be available. Check out photos of the event (his second night of the two November shows) after the jump.


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